
A Better Tomorrow
Sustainability has long been ingrained in our company. For us, this means using only what we need throughout our value chain while providing customers quality products safely and reliably, caring for our communities and environment, and providing a safe and secure workplace for our colleagues and stakeholders.

Being an oil company, we are aware that our business impacts the environment. Thus, we have systems in place to measure, manage, and minimize our footprint. From greenhouse gases to energy and water consumption, we continuously improve every aspect of our chain. As we go further on our sustainability journey, we approach this challenge with the help of a skilled and dedicated workforce, with a strong tradition of service excellence, and an even stronger commitment to ensure a better tomorrow.


Our ESG Policy

Environmental Stewardship
We prioritize environmental responsibility by adhering to all applicable regulatory requirements, aiming to minimize our impact on the environment. Environmental footprint is proactively managed as well by reducing emissions, conserving water, and efficiently managing waste.

We actively support the government’s programs promoting the use of clean fuel, recognizing its importance in achieving sustainable and cleaner energy sources. Additionally, we are committed to continuous development and embracing future technologies for a greener and more sustainable future.

Social Well-Being
Creating a safe, healthy, and positive workplace for our employees is our top priority. We prioritize their well-being, empower their growth and development, and foster a positive work atmosphere.

We’re committed to improving community well-being through diverse social responsibility programs in education, environment, entrepreneurship, and health services. Through active engagement, our goal is to make a lasting impact beyond our company, benefiting society at large.

Good Governance
We firmly believe in fostering a governance structure that is built upon strong ethical standards, unwavering integrity, and transparency.

Our commitment extends to complying with all applicable legislation, regulations, and codes of conduct and practices. Moreover, we strive to exceed these standards whenever possible, reinforcing our dedication to upholding the highest levels of accountability and responsibility.

We recognize that managing risks and enhancing our supply chain are crucial for ensuring the long-term viability of our business. By actively addressing potential risks and continuously improving our supply chain, we aim to enhance shareholder value while also making meaningful contributions to national development. Furthermore, we remain committed to the betterment of our fenceline communities, ensuring that our operations positively impact the local areas in which we operate.